Bed of Procrustes

The Bed of Procrustes is a metaphor for fitting reality to meet the reality to our internal narratives rather than the other way around. When we confront our Bed, better to discard it than to behave like Procrustes.

Cash is reality – part 2

This is the 2nd blog in the Cash is reality series. You can read the first blog here. A quick recap on part 1: — In this 2nd blog, I plan to give some examples to show the kind of insights you can extract from the CFS. Before that, in very simple words I wanted […]

Cash is reality – part 1

Peter Thiel, founder and former CEO of PayPal and famous venture capitalist starts his book by asking: “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” Peter Thiel, Zero to One This is a difficult question because you need to have a confident and contrarian opinion to what the masses have. I don’t […]

The humble Index Fund

What is an Index? An Index is a collection of companies. The Sensex 30 is a weighted average of the 30 largest companies (by market capitalization) in the BSE . The Nifty 50 is a weighted average of the 50 largest companies in the NSE. Likewise there are other indices like Small Cap Index, Bank […]

To persuade

Ben Franklin said to persuade you must appeal to interest. In the blog I have provided 3 case studies on how people have convinced the other party to get wonderful results!

Unintended consequences -1

This blog is about how demand falls as prices go up. Adding extra benefits for workers would actually lead to increase in prices and therefore lower demand which will be detrimental to the workers in the long run.

Microeconomics of Mandis

oday is a sad day for economics in India because the government may repeal the farm laws in the parliament. The laws were meant to help the farmers increase their incomes while lowering the cost of food for consumers. However, this game changing reform got entangled with politics and has come to a premature end. Thought I’d share a few thoughts on this.